Studio Rental and Terms of Use Agreement

Studio Rental and Terms of Use Agreement
Terms and Conditions
As a condition of the above named RENTER, renting studio facilities and equipment of The Suite, the RENTER hereby freely, voluntarily, and without duress executes the Release and Waiver of Liability under the following terms:
The undersigned Renter, on his/her own behalf of his/her heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and assigns, does hereby agree:
- a) to waive all claims that the Renter may have now or in the future against The Suite, its owners, managers, employees, directors, officers, insurers, agents, successors, and assigns of The Suite (collectively “The Suite” or the “Released Parties”) with respect to the above mentioned rental, including, but not limited to, claims arising as a result of equipment malfunction or failure, accidents, falls, or any other damage(s)/accidents or any other cause while on the premises of The Suite;
- b) to release and forever discharge the Released Parties from all liability for personal injury, death, property damage or loss resulting from the rental due to any cause, including, but not limited to negligence (failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances), breach of any duty imposed by law, breach of contract, mistake(s), action, lack of action, or error of judgment on the part of The Suite owners and/or staff;
- c) to be liable for and to hold harmless and indemnify The Suite, its ownership, and staff from all actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs, demands, including hospital costs, court costs, arbitration or legal fees, and liabilities of whatever nature or kind arising out of or in any way connected with the rental or any behavior exhibited during the rental session at The Suite’ facilities.
Renter agrees to hold The Suite, its agents or owners, representatives, and anyone acting on behalf of The Suite completely harmless from any responsibility, action, legal or otherwise, that results from Renter’s (or anyone related to the Renter’s party) actions and conduct. Additionally, Renter agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Suite, of any liability or responsibility for Renter’s, or any of the Renter’s associated party, behavior and conduct towards another person at any time while on The Suite’ property or general area of The Suite’ facilities.
Renters are solely responsible for verifying that all models employed during Renter’s rental period are of legal age for the activities they are to be engaged in. Renter agrees to be solely responsible for the conduct and welfare of all persons accompanying Renter while on our premises. The Suite has no responsibility to determine or verify the age of participants in the Renter’s activities.
The Renter hereby accepts and assumes all responsibility for all risks associated with and/or resulting in his/her use of the premises and equipment (THIS INCLUDES ALL PERSONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RENTER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RELEVANT GUESTS, MODELS, ASSISTANTS, PHOTOGRAPHERS, OR FRIENDS). The Renter freely accepts these risks and agrees to the terms of the Release, even if The Suite is found to be negligent or in breach of any duty of care or any obligation to the Renter.
The Renter agrees responsibility for any loss (in the amount solely determined by The Suite HTX ownership) or damage to the studio; equipment on premises of the business resulting from the Renter’s same (except for normal wear and tear). The Renter agrees to pay the costs of repair or replacement for any such loss or damage within 48 hours of a claim from The Suite to the Renter.
Use of The Suite facilities and equipment is at Renter’s own risk. Renter hereby waives rights to seek legal redress for mishaps, accidents, and/or loss while on our premises. Renter agrees to leave the studio and adjacent grounds in the same condition, as they were when Renter arrived. Renters are solely responsible for any legal infractions Renter or members of Renter’s party make during the conduct of the scheduled booking, be they in our studio or elsewhere. This includes parking tickets, claims of personal abuse, or all other violation or citations, and legal action resulting from the conduct of the studio booking, taken at whatever time. Renters are solely responsible for the safety and well-being of any models, production assistants, or any other personnel accompanying Renter or engaged by Renter.
If the parties are unable to resolve any controversy or claim arising under this Agreement, they agree to submit the dispute or claim to binding arbitration subject to the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. This arbitration will take place in Houston, Texas. The parties further agree that any such controversy or claim shall be submitted to one arbitrator selected from the panels of arbitrators of the American Arbitration Association, that they will faithfully observe this agreement and the Rules, and that they will abide by and perform any award rendered by the arbitrator, and that a judgment of the court having jurisdiction may be entered on the award. The prevailing party in any such arbitration shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs in addition to any other relief granted.
Terms of Use
The Renter (as the customer of The Suite) assumes responsibility for yourself and any other individuals who enter the rented studio space during your designated time and agree to follow the rules and regulations of The Suite. You also agree that your credit card will be billed for any charges resulting from your usage of the facility, which includes but is not limited to missing gear upon checkout, negligence that results in the gear or the studio being damaged, or any overage in time. Scratches/dents to photography lights or other equipment will result in a minimum damage fee of $50. Please make sure to advise your crew to be careful.
If you are under eighteen (18) years of age, the parent or legal guardian who executes this agreement on your behalf agrees that both you and the parent or legal guardian shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. *No minors are allowed in The Suite unless accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. If you violate this policy, not only are you subject to being barred from future use of the studio, but are also hereby notified that you assume full liability for any and all litigation outcomes associated with photography of a minor. The Suite is not liable for violation of this policy.
- Overtime Fee: Studios must be vacated on time. Set-up, breakdown, cleanup, pack-up are all included in the reserved time that was scheduled and agreed to. Overtime fees are $150/hr and are billed in 15 minute increments. (For practical purposes, this means that if you are in the space from 1 to 15 minutes beyond your allotted time, your credit card will be billed an additional $37.50 in late fees. 16 to 30 minutes over will incur a fee of $75.00, etc…)
- The Renter and any other individuals who enter the rented studio space during the designated time are only permitted to use the space that was rented.
- NO SHOOTOUTS. Maximum number of people is limited to 10 people at a time without an authorized request. 2 photographers per booking.
- Unless you have arranged a catered event purchased through The Suite. Lunch is not supplied. Renters are asked to organize meals before arriving. No food or drinks are allowed in The Suite.
- Additional items not allowed in The Suite: No body paint, glitter, silly string, confetti, alcohol/liquor, or pets.
- At no time are customers to engage in any kind of unlawful activities while on the premises of The Suite.
- All customers and related parties must read and take notice of on-site signage, staff instructions, and be kind to all other customers.
- Any minor incidental damage incurred to the property of The Suite during the normal course of use is something that happens from time to time and the customer will not be held liable. However, if damage occurs due to deliberate acts, carelessness, or unwarranted behavior, the customer’s credit card will be charged for the damage even if the cardholder did not personally damage any property. The cardholder is responsible for the entire party that accompanies the cardholder. If the credit card on file is not able to be charged for any reason, you hereby authorize other means of collection. In an effort to keep the walls and floor clean for others who will use the studio, make sure that no one gets stains or makeup on the walls. Touching the wall leaves marks. You will be charged a repainting fee if your group leaves marks on the walls. Minimum repair/repainting fee is $50.
- Cancellations to your reservation made with less than 14 days notice will be charged in full. Consecutive cancellations (twice or more in a row) will not be refunded or credited. Rescheduling with more than 7 days’ notice will incur additional 10% fee. Rescheduling with less than 7 days’ notice will incur additional 25% fee.
- Please leave the studio as you found it…if cleaning/re-organizing/adjusting is necessary to return the studio to its original state, you may be charged a $50 cleaning fee. Do not move furniture without permission. Smoking is not permitted inside the facility. Smoking is allowed outdoors, provided that you dispose of your extinguished cigarette butts in an approved receptacle (fire-pit or trash can).
- The equipment provided in each room is listed on the website and can be accessed via a QR Code that is provided on the inside door of each room. All of the equipment provided is accounted for before and after each customer session. If anything is missing, the booking customer will be charged the retail “new” value for that item. Each room has the form for the customer to review the inventory at the start of their session at The Suite. . It is the customer’s responsibility to notify The Suite of any missing inventory/equipment before the session starts otherwise the customer is held liable for any missing equipment/inventory at session end.
- Please also note that The Suite facilities are private spaces; however, there are security systems in place that include cameras. Camera contents are never broadcast, shared, or used in any other way than to provide risk management for The Suite assets, employees, and customers. Your privacy is just as important to us as your safety and The Suite agrees to this promise of privacy. You and any associates that are with you as the “booking party” are hereby notified of these security systems. Tampering or in any way manipulating security system equipment may result in criminal charges.
- FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party shall be liable to the other party for failure or delay to meet any obligation under the terms or conditions of this Agreement when such a claim is attributable to causes by greater force, clearly beyond that party’s control and not a consequence of that party’s fault or negligence, or when the reason for said claim could be avoided by the exercise of due care by that party.
- If a representative or group should violate any items of this agreement, The Suite staff will have the right to terminate their occupancy immediately as well as deny them services in the future.
- The Suite staff shall have the right to inspect the equipment and/or studio at any time during the rental term. You shall make any and all arrangements necessary to permit an employee of The Suite access to the equipment and/or studio. If a breach of any of the provisions of the Rental Contract occurs, The Suite HTX has the right to revoke your access to the equipment and/or studio without any liability to you, and without prejudice to The Suite.
Photography Shootouts organized/hosted by The Suite HTX